How Investors Evaluate Healthcare Opportunities

Emerging markets, or economies transitioning into developed economies, shoulder a disproportionate share of the global disease burden, but their health systems are often underfunded and overwhelmed. For example, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), African countries, are exposed to 25% of the global disease burden yet receive less than 1% of the global health expenditure.

Global Equity Webinar: A Discussion on the Role of Businesses in Improving Healthcare for Women & Children

Today, millions of women, children and adolescents do not have access to the healthcare they need, particularly in low- and middle-income countries: every two minutes, a woman dies from complications in pregnancy and childbirth. Government health budgets face a $33 billion funding gap to address this. The private sector is a crucial partner in increasing access to services and securing greater financial investment.

DevEx: How to use blended finance to address growing global health needs

Global spending on health reached $9 trillion in 2020, a “new high,” according to the World Health Organization. But with multiple ongoing crises, climate change, and the impact of COVID-19 on budgets, everyone’s looking at ways to raise more funding to help address increasing health needs and prepare for future threats.

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