A Coalition of Global Leaders in Health
The Health Finance Coalition (HFC) is a group of leading health donors, investors, and technical partners seeking to scale blended finance solutions to achieve SDG3 and Universal Health Coverage in Africa.
We need a new approach to financing global health.

Leverage private, return-seeking capital to achieve public health goals with a "Capital Stack" Approach
To achieve Africa’s health goals,
we must position private, return- seeking capital to co-invest alongside African governments and donors to scale transformative health innovations that serve the most vulnerable.

What we do
The gap between Africa’s health financing needs and current resources has only widened since the advent of COVID-19. To close the gap, we need a new approach: a robust pipeline of investable high-impact healthcare deals, capital that accepts realistic risk-adjusted returns, and blending through a “capital stack” approach.
We pursue this mission through following:

We engage our coalition members and deep network of leading healthcare and financing partners to create a common vision for a “capital stack” approach to blended finance in Africa.

Core to the HFC efforts, we design and structure high-impact deals and financing platforms to chart a path to scale. This set of activities includes supporting firms to be investment ready, what we call “deal construction.”

In order to make these deals and platforms a reality, the HFC recruits partners and raises financial resources for select initiatives. The HFC draws on its network of coalition members and global partners to support these efforts.

In some cases, the HFC also manages ongoing operations for financial products or platforms. When HFC can demonstrate an innovative approach, we will continue to support the implementation & ensure impact.

Open Doors African Private Healthcare Initiative
ODAPHI is an emergency loan guarantee facility making more than USD 35 million in loans available to private, small- and medium enterprise healthcare providers in five African countries in response to COVID-19. This is a partnership with the US Development Finance Corporation, USAID, PMI, Rockefeller Foundation, Skoll Foundation, MCJ Amelior Foundation, and the Medical Credit Fund.

Transform Health Fund
To respond to the pressing financing gap for healthcare in Africa, the Health Finance Coalition is supporting the development and launch of the Transform Health Fund, a USD 100 million target fund that will invest in supply chain transformation and innovative care delivery models serving low-income patients. The Fund will be managed by leading impact investor, AfricInvest.